SEQUIM, Wash. -- The owner of a bar and grill in a small town says he is being bullied into getting rid of live music.
The debate centers around how much it should cost for local bands to play hit tunes.
Dale Dunning, owner of Oasis Bar & Grill, calls the BMI Music Licensing company a bully. Dunning says he can't afford to pay the thousands of dollars in royalties for local bands to perform cover tunes.
BMI responded, saying they are looking out for artists -- both big names and small -- as well as upholding federal law -- by requiring venues to pay their fair share.
Dunning says he's pushing the state legislature for changes to the law that will make it more affordable for him to play licensed music. BMI says it also hopes for a resolution that will allow Oasis to keep the music flowing.
The debate centers around how much it should cost for local bands to play hit tunes.
Dale Dunning, owner of Oasis Bar & Grill, calls the BMI Music Licensing company a bully. Dunning says he can't afford to pay the thousands of dollars in royalties for local bands to perform cover tunes.
BMI responded, saying they are looking out for artists -- both big names and small -- as well as upholding federal law -- by requiring venues to pay their fair share.
Dunning says he's pushing the state legislature for changes to the law that will make it more affordable for him to play licensed music. BMI says it also hopes for a resolution that will allow Oasis to keep the music flowing.